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Irene Bianco er en italiensk født musiker med base i København. Irene Bianco er aktiv freelance percussionist i den avantgardistiske og eksperimenterende danske musikscene i projekter som Damkapellet, LoUd og TYI.

I sine solooptrædener spiller hun med vintagetrommer og elektronik, legetøjs-percussion og optagelser, der bevæger sig frit mellem polyrytmer og fragmenterede melodier. Irene Biancos musikpåvirkninger spænder fra barok- og orkestermusik til 90'ernes rock og klubmusik.

Musikken er, meget rammende, blevet beskrevet som ”sound poetry” og udforsker det spontane og ukonventionelle.

"The superb, quietly absorbing solo debut triggers fluttering chain reactions of hushed, delicate, electro-acoustic nuance.

Wistfully swaying around an intersection of lo-fi improvisation, ambient and lower case free jazz with a chamber classical precision, Bianco surely snags imaginations in extended lines of thought woven tapestry like on the mind." Boomkat

Irene Bianco is an italian born musician based in Copenhagen. 

In her solo performances she plays with vintage drums and electronics, toy percussion and fields recordings moving freely between polyrhythms and fragmented melodies. 

Her music has been described as a sound poetry that takes you with warm curiosity to explore the spontaneous and unconventional. 

Starting playing drum-kit at an early age and then trained as a classical percussionist her music influences span from  baroque and orchestral music to 90s rock and club music. 

Irene is an active freelance percussionist in the avant-garde and experimental danish music scene in solo and in projects as Damkapellet, Wolfskin Ensemble, Pio.

“Kronblade” is an absolute triumph, and easily one of the best debut albums that have reached and conquered our ears in 2024; definitely one of the strongest contenders among our favorite records of the year." Soundohm

"Kronblade is a profound example to the beauty of spontaneity and whimsy, reflecting Bianco's artistic vision and her ability to evoke emotions through intricate layers of sound."Juno

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